Yoga is an ancient practice that unites breathing, mental awareness, and movement. A steady yoga practice builds strength and stamina, improves flexibility and balance, reduces stress, and creates a calm state of mind. The ultimate goal of yoga is to achieve liberation from suffering and attain self-realization.

We feel passionate about maintaining the integrity of traditional yoga, offering classes that integrate pranayama (breathwork) and meditation. Through these intentional teachings, we connect to our mission to bring people to their optimal state of healing and support their continuous lifelong wellness journey.

What is Yoga?

Our classes

Vinyasa Flow

Traditional Vinyasa Yoga, characterized by its dynamic flow, syncing movement with the breath. This strong and energizing class brings us a focused presence and leads us back to inner peace.

Restorative yoga

Our restorative yoga class is not always on the schedule, but is always a special treat when it is! Our restorative class intentionally slows down and unwinds the day. Utilizing props, long holds, and stillness to initiate a healing response in the body and deep states of relaxation. Restorative yoga is designed to gradually open up the body while prompting the parasympathetic nervous system to come online and initiate that healing response. We’re also passively stretching the body which helps make space in the joints and improves range of motion over time.


  • Yoga with Lacey @ Shala is life giving-mind, body and spirit. SHe helps you quiet your mind, strengthen your body, and connect with your truest self. For that one hour, I focus on on my breath, music, and movement. At the end of class, I feel peaceful and my stress level is zero. Lacey Offers hand on assists to help you maximize the benefits of each pose. She does an incredible job of incorporating music with the movements. Lacey is a gifted Yogi! I cannot say enough good things about Lacey and her class offerings. You will not be disappointed!

    Cheryl Weeks

  • Lacey is a naturally gifted yoga instructor. She creates a welcoming environment of acceptance and compassion. Her classes always feel well thought out and intentional. The amazing music she selects adds another dimension to her classes, which enhances the practice even more.

    Jenny Roben

  • Shala Studio is a place of peace. Practicing with Lacey over the past year has been such a blessing! I have gained an understanding of how to use breathwork and yoga to evolve my relationship with tension. Typically, weight lifting is my go-to exercise so this has been a lovely way to keep my flexibility and release my muscles. I would wholeheartedly recommend Shala Studio to anyone looking for some recovery at the end of a weeknight or busy week.

    Jacqueline Manning